September 5

History events
1972 — (26rd of Elul, 5732) Munich massacre
1978 — (3rd of Elul, 5738) Sadat, Begin and Carter began the peace conference at Camp David, Maryland. These talks would produce the first peace treaty between Israel and one of its Arab neighbors.
1997 — (3rd of Elul, 5757) Twelve Israeli naval commandos were killed in an attack against a Hezbollah installation

1764 — (8rd of Elul, 5524) Henrietta Herz, leader of Berlin salon, born
1791 — (6rd of Elul, 5551) Birthdate of Giacomo Meyerbeer. Born Jacob Liebmann Beer, Meyebeer was a successful German- born composer for opera.
1905 — (5rd of Elul, 5665) In Budapest, Henrik Koestler and Adela Jeiteles Koestler gave birth to Arthur Koestler
2003 — (8th of Elul, 5763) Twenty-seven year old Mordechai Laufter of Netanya died today of wounds suffered during a bus bombing in the Shmuel HaNavi Quarter of Jerusalem