October 18

History events
67 — (21nd of Tishrei, 3828) Roman soldiers captured Gamla, a fortress in Israel’s Golan region, and killed all its inhabitants
1747 — (25th of Cheshvan, 5508) In London, establishment of the Sephardi Jews’ Hospital (Beth Holim)
1873 — (27nd of Tishrei, 5634) Based on information that first appeared in Germany’s Cologne Gazette, it was reported today that the Kingdom of Poland has a total population of six million people, over 800,000 of whom are Jews meaning that they make up about 13 per cent of the total. Since 1816, the Jewish population has quadrupled.
1905 — (19nd of Tishrei, 5666) This marked the first day of what was the blackest week in Russian Jewish history until the Holocaust. ….. The Black Hundreds and other bands of reactionary, anti-Semites were formed during and after the Russian Revolution of 1905. They alleged that the Jews were responsible for Russia’s many military, economic and political ills. These government sanctioned militias killed hundreds of Jews and injured thousands more. Over forty thousand homes and shops were destroyed in one week of rioting
1936 — (2th of Cheshvan, 5697) The SS Excalibur of the American Exports line unloaded it cargo at Tel Aviv, making it the first American ship to use the newly built port facilities at the first all Jewish metropolis
1937 — (13th of Cheshvan, 5698) The Palestine Post reported that ….. renewed Arab terror claimed three more Jewish victims, while violence continued throughout the country. One Arab assailant was killed in the Old City of Jerusalem. In Ness Ziona an 11-year-old Yemenite boy, Eliahu Sherabi, was fatally shot in the head while sleeping in his house. Jewish buses were shot at and armed Arabs attacked workers of the Palestine Quarries near Motza. Arabs had also attacked Kibbutz Ramat Rahel, where the children’s house became their main target. In Jerusalem, an Orthodox Jew, Shmuel Guttman, was stabbed five times in the Mea She’ street, near the Sheller compound, by an Arab who escaped. The town was under night curfew for more than a week; a gang of terroirsts attacked the Jewish settlement at Artuf in southern Palestine and a band of twenty armed Arabs “attacked the Baharieh police post between Hebron and Beersheba” and made off with weapons belonging to the British police
1938 — (23nd of Tishrei, 5699) With Jerusalem under a virtual state of siege because of the worst outbreak of Arab violence since 1929, ….. the British declared a state of virtual martial law and sent troops into the Old City aimed at driving out the “rebel bands.” “The Mufti of Jerusalem, leader of the rebellious Moslems, declared from exile in Syria, that the Arab peace terms included an independent Ara state and an end to Jewish immigration into Palestine
1941 — (27nd of Tishrei, 5702) Mass executions of Soviet Jews in Borisov, Byelorussia, 50 miles east of Minsk, Byelorussia
1942 — (7th of Cheshvan, 5703) The Nazis gassed 1,594 deportees from Holland at Auschwitz
1945 — (11th of Cheshvan, 5706) Nazi war crimes trials opened in Nuremberg, Germany
1947 — (4th of Cheshvan, 5708) In three separate incidents seen as part of the work of Jewish fighters seeking to end British rule in Palestine, a British army truck “was blow up by a mine just west of Petah Tikva injuring two soldiers, “another army truck hit two mines near Benyaminia” without any casualties and an RAF jeep “ran over a mine on the road near Hadera wrecking the Jeep” without any casualties
1973 — (22nd of Tishrei, 5734) Yom Kippur war. ….. During the Yom Kippur War, the Israelis were able to finally put a pre-fabricated bridge across the Suez Canal. Moving the bridge into position and actually using it to span the Canal was a costly operation. One hundred IDF soldiers died in the attempt with forty-one dying in a single night. The bridge made it easier to move tanks across the Canal; Colonel Giora «Hawkeye» Epstein went on a two day spree in which he downed 17 enemy aircraft

1880 — (13th of Cheshvan, 5641) In Odessa, Chava Zach and Yevno Jobotinsky gave birth to Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky
1973 — (22nd of Tishrei, 5734) Guri Palter and Itzhak Bar’am were taken prisoner after ejecting from their F-4E Phantom Jet that had fallen victim to an Egyptian SAM; Doron Shalev and Yosef Lev-Ari were taken prisoner after ejecting from their F-4E Phantom Jet that had fallen victim to an Egyptian SAM