History events
1286 — (11th of Kislev, 5047) Bull of Honorius IV. to archbishops of York and Canterbury, against the Talmud
1790 — (23th of Kislev, 5551) King Leopold II forwarded the petition from the Jews asking for full equality with other citizens to the “chancelleries of Hungary and Moravia” to see if this change would be supported (November 29)
1933 — (12th of Kislev, 5694) The David Baazov Museum of History of the Jews of Georgia “was officially founded by the order of People’s Commissariat of Education of Georgia today, under the title ‘Jewish Historic-Ethnographic Museum’”
1936 — (16th of Kislev, 5697) An American flag, the gift of Mayor a Guardia of New York, was presented today to the municipality of Tel Aviv by the Maccabee soccer team which had just returned from a tour of the United States. The Maccabee also presented a flag of New York Harbor to the new Tel Aviv port in ceremonies at the City Ha, where the athletes were officially welcomed after a parade
1940 — (29th of Chtshvan, 5701) After the “Patria incident,” ….. General Wavell, Britain’s top military officer in the Middle East complains vehemently to Sir Anthony Eden protesting the decision to let any Jewish refugees remain in Palestine. He contends that the decision to let 1,900 Jews remain in Palestine will undermine British relations with the Arabs. The Mufti, who is Berlin with Hitler, will be strengthened. Nazi sympathizers in Syria will be encouraged. And fifth columnists in Egypt will find it easier to gain support for the Germans
1941 — (10th of Kislev, 5702) Нolocaust. Start of the Rumbula Massacre, the liquidation of the Riga Ghetto, a killing spree exceeded only by Babi Yar
1941 — (10th of Kislev, 5702) Haj Amin, leader of the Palestinians was ceremoniously received by Hitler
1943 — (3th of Kislev, 5704) All nine Palestinian Hebrew newspapers and the German-language daily issued at Tel Aviv re-appeared today after eleven days’ suspension. ….. “The suspension resulted from” the “simultaneous uncensored publication” by these papers “of identical accounts with uniform editorial comment on the search carried” out at a kibbutz named Ramat Hakovesh by British forces looking for arms. The search turned violent resulting in the murder of one of the Jewish settlers. The articles in the newspapers had been part of the Jewish response which, among other things, continues to claim the right for Jews to be able to defend themselves
1944 — (11th of Kislev, 5705) More than 100,000 persons, ….. more than half the population of the city, greeted Dr. Chaim Weizmann when he visited Tel Aviv today for the first time since arriving in Palestine two weeks ago. The demonstration was the greatest welcome ever given to anyone in Tel Aviv. Weizmann responded by saying, “I never imagined my own people could have received me with such spontaneous joy.” When he went to Tel Aviv to review 200 soldiers who were serving in the new Jewish bridged of the British Army, he was greeted by crowds that were so large that they filled balconies, windows, lamp posts, trees, and telephone poles. Weizmann saw a direct connection between the fate of European Jewry, these troops and the creation of a Jewish commonwealth. He told the crowd that the “remnants of the European Jews” would receive the Jewish brigade as “a harbinger of freedom and by the masses of Jewish soldiers serving in the Allied armies as a symbol of national unity”
1947 — (17th of Kislev, 5708) On the day after UN decree for Israel, Arabs attacked Jewish settlements. ….. Even though the Jewish state would not officially declare its independence until May 1948, this day marked the beginning of the Israeli War of Independence as a bus near Lydda (Lod) was attacked by Arabs killing five passengers. The Arabs proclaimed a general strike and attacked the commercial quarter near the Old City of Jerusalem; Arab rifleman fired shots at an ambulance on its way to Hadassah Hospital on Mt. Scopus; Arabs armed with machine guns and grenades attacked a bus traveling from the coast to Jerusalem killing four Jews including Jerusalemites Hirsh Stark and Hanna Weiss and twenty-year-old Shoshana Mizrachi Farhi who had been on her way to Jerusalem to get married; In another attack on a bus bound for Jerusalem, Arab gunmen killed Hehama Hacohen a pathologist at Hadassah Hospital; Moshe Goldman, a twenty-five-year-old from Jerusalem was shot dead at the Jaffa-Tel Aviv boundary
1951 — (1th of Kislev, 5712) The Central Bureau of Statistics announced today that the population of Israel at the end of September had reading 1, 554,000 of who 1,382,000 were Jews
1993 — (16th of Kislev, 5754) “Schindler’s List,” the movie version Schindler’s Ark premiered in Washington, D.C. today
1631 — (15th of Kislev, 5392) Rabbi Samuel Eliezer ben Judah ha-levi Edels passed away. He was known as an outstanding Talmudist and master of dialectics whose commentaries were of such value that they were included in most editions of the Talmud
1823 — (27th of Kislev, 5584) Birthdate of German botanist Nathanael Pringsheim who in 1882 established the German Botanical Society, which in twelve years included over 400 German botanists, and of which he was annually elected president until his death
1883 — (1st of Kislev, 5644) In Rushville, Indiana, a violent quarrel, including fisticuffs and gunfire, between Jewish merchants Eli Frank and Jacob Block turned fatal when Frank was shot to death by Block’s son
1943 — (3rd of Kislev, 5704) Esther «Etty» Hillesum a young Jewish woman whose letters and diaries, kept between 1941 and 1943 describe life in Amsterdam during the German occupation died at Auschwitz. They were published posthumously in 1981, before being translated into English in 1983