March 30

History events
1218 — (2th of Nisan, 4978) Henry III of England enforced the Yellow Badge Edict. The badge was a piece of yellow cloth in the shape of the Tablets of the Law and was worn above the heart by every Jew over the age of seven
1492 — (2th of Nisan, 5252) King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella signed a decree expelling the Jews from Spain
1526 — (16th of Nisan, 5286) In Antwerp, Belgium, Emperor Charles V issued a general safe-conduct to the Portuguese «New Christians» and Marranos allowing them to live and work there
1581 — (26th of Nisan, 5341) Pope Gregory XIII issued a Bull banning the use of Jewish doctors
1948 — (19th of Adar II, 5708) Because no supply convoys have reach Jerusalem from the Tel Aviv area with commodities since March 24 because of attacks by Arab troops, there has been a “growing shortage of fresh food for the Jewish inhabitants of the city resulting in the “introduction” today “of bread rationing and the restricting of the amount of butter given to children; the Yishuv extended the call to active duty to “men and single women” between the ages of 26 and 25
1951 — (22th of Adar II, 5711) Neve Shalom, a new synagogue, was dedicated in Istanbul,.The building holds more than 1,000 people, and the 400,000 Lira it cost to be built was raised by the Jewish community of Galata, Pera, and Chichli
2003 — (26th of Adar II, 5763) A suicide bombing in the pedestrian mall entrance of a cafe in Netanya wounded more than 40 people. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack, calling it a “gift to the Iraqi people.”
2013 — (19th of Nisan, 5773) Natural gas flow from the Tamar natural gas field began flowing this afternoon
2015 — (10th of Nisan, 5775) The festive opening of The Gazelle Valley Urban Wildlife Park took place this afternoon with birdwatching workshops, music and theater, and art projects

1135 — (14th of Nisan, 4895) On the secular calendar, birthdate of Maimonides (Moses Ben Maimon)
1739 — (2th of Nisan, 5439) Rabbi Moses Meir Perles of Prague, author of Megillat Sofer passed away
1804 — (18th of Nisan, 5564) Solomon Sulzer, reformer of synagogal music, born