March 19

History events
1191 — (21th of Adar 1, 4951) Eighty Jews were burned at Bray, France for trying to execute a vassal who had killed a Jew
1527 — (17th of Nisan, 5287) Jews of Brest-Litovsk granted free trade and occupation and half of the tolls
1839 — (4th of Nisan, 5599) A “pogrom, known as the Allahdad, broke out in the Iranian city of Mashhad. At the time of the pogrom, the city of Mashhad was home to about 2,500 Jews. The event devastated the Jews of Mashhad, who were violently forced into converting to Islam. The ruler of Mashhad ordered the authorities to attack the Jews. A large mob went on to the Jewish quarter and proceeded to burn down the synagogue, destroy Jewish homes and businesses, abduct Jewish girls, kill about 40 Jews and injure many more. The Jews had knives held to their throat and were forced to renounce Judaism and accept Islam. While some of the Jews left Mashhad following the incident, others stayed and would go on to lead a secret Jewish life. While adopting Muslim customs in public, most would maintain Jewish tradition in the privacy of their homes. There are no Jews left in Mashhad today. Most of the descendants of Mashhad’s Jews live in Israel
1848 — (14th of Adar 1, 5608) Founding of the Hebrew Education Society of Philadelphia
1897 — (15th of Adar 1, 5657) It was reported today that the Hebrew Education Society of Philadelphia had raised $9,114 last year to support its programs that include weekly lectures by Ephraim Lederer on the U.S. Constitution
1943 — (12th of Adar 1, 5703) Dimitar Peshev, who would be honored as a “Righteous Among the Nations” introduced a parliamentary resolution to halt the deportation of the Jews.
1947 — (27th of Adar, 5707) At a meeting of editors held in Tel Aviv today, journalists discussed the warnings of terrorist groups not to publish an offer of a reward by police that was designed to lead to the capture of 18 wanted terrorists. Names on the list include Menachem Begin head of the Irgun and Nathan Friedman head of the Stern Gang. In a letter delivered to 12 Jewish newspapers, the terrorists said that publication would be treated as collaboration and dealt with accordingly. Because they were afraid for the safety of their staffs, the editors agreed no to voluntary publish the list but said they would have no choice but to comply under the law if requested to do so by the government.

1640 — (6th of Nisan, 5400) Rabbi Chaim Algazi of Constantinople, author of Nesivot ha-Mishpat passed away today
1803 — (25th of Adar, 5563): Rabbi Moses ben Abraham, author of Meliz Yosher passed away today