History events
1242 — (6th of Tammuz, 5002) Two dozen wagonloads of Talmudic volumes and 200 other rabbinic manuscripts were burned at Paris
1369 — (30th of Sivan, 5129) Henry II. imposes on Jews of Toledo a tax of 20,000 gold «dollas» (= $9,630,000)
1487 — (15th of Sivan, 5247) In Soncino, Italy, Joshua Solomon Soncino completed the printing of a Pentateuch with a commentary by Rashi
1880 — (27th of Sivan, 5240) It was reported today that the last religious census in France showed that there were almost 36 million Roman Catholics in the country but only 50,000 Jews
1942 — (21th of Sivan, 5702) Following a failed attempt in 1940, the Nazis succeed in ordering Belgian Jews to wear the Yellow Star; The Jewish ghetto at Kraków, Poland, is liquidated; 6000 Jews from the city are murdered at Belzec
1948 — (28th of Iyar, 5708) The IAF completed its move to a new base in Herzliya
1952 — (13th of Sivan, 5712) The Jerusalem Post reported on the ground- breaking ceremony for the projected $10 million Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical School on the bare Judean hills, west of Ein Kerem. Speakers declared that this construction did not mean the abandonment of Hadassah facilities on Mount Scopus which were effectively under Arab control in violation of existing U.N. guarantees
1967 — (27th of Iyar, 5727) Six-Day War. ….. At six o’clock in the morning the Supreme Command of the Arab armed forces began broadcasting on the great lies that is still believed to this day. Repeating a report that Nasser had made to King Hussein the night before, the Arab military leaders claimed that the Egyptian and Jordanian air forces had been demolished on the first day of the war by U.S. planes attached to the Sixth Fleet and by British warplanes flying from unspecified bases. This tale had not no basis in fact. It gave Nasser a chance to save face with the Arab masses and to provide his Soviet patrons with an excuse for intervening. The Cold War is already becoming a distant memory to those living in the 21st century. However, the conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union was very real in 1967. The Soviets were actively looking for a way to gain control in the Middle East and the Communist Bloc was Nasser’s patron, a factor that was part of the military and political equation facing the Israelis; Defense Minister Moshe Dyan still refused to allow any military action to be taken along the Golan Heights. With fighting raging in the Sinai to the South, he did not need additional military worries. What did worry Dyan was that the U.N. might impose a cease fire before Israeli forces could seize Sharm el-Sheik, the choke-point held by the Egyptians that made it possible for them to close the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping. Dyan ordered Chief of Staff Rabin to move with all speed to seize Sharm. Rabin completed planes for a combined assault that was to be carried out the next evening; The Egyptian armored forces collapse. Ariel Sharon’s division later joins an armored brigade making its way to the Egyptian posts at Tamed and Nakhl. When they arrive there, Sharon quickly reads the battlefield and success
1982 — (15th of Sivan, 5742) Members of the famous Golani Brigade attacked Beaufort Castle which was held by the PLO
1391 — (3th of Tammuz, 5151) “In the aftermath of the great massacres of Jews” in Spain “which began” today, Paul of Burgos who “was original names as Solomon ha-Levi’ “converted to Christianity, and became an archbishop, lord chancellor, and exegete known as Pablo de Santa Maria
1629 — (25th of Sivan, 5389): Rabbi Joseph ben Benjamin Samegah author of Mikrae Kodesh passed away