History events
1391 — (1th of Tammuz, 5151) A riotous mob led by the Queen Mother’s confessor, killed many Jews in Seville, Spain
1918 — (24th of Sivan, 5678) It was reported today that an epidemic of typhus is “raging at Safed where there at present over 500 Jewish orphans.”
1939 — (17th of Sivan, 5699) The SS St. Louis, a German passenger liner carrying 900 Jewish refugees was denied permission to dock at any ports in Florida. ….. The ship steamed off the coast of the United States where the passengers could see the lights of Miami. The Coast Guard had orders to keep the St. Louis and its Jewish passengers from reaching the United States. The ship and its wretched cargo returned to the Europe where many perished in the Holocaust
1941 — (9th of Sivan, 5701) The republic of Croatia issued an order depriving all Jews of their property and compelling them to wear a yellow badge with the letter Z
1948 — (26 Iyar 5708) The IDF counter-attacked around 2:15 a.m. today, aiming at outflanking the Iraqis by conquering the routes from Jenin to Afula and Lajjun and although bolstered with reinforcements, the Israeli attack was repulsed amid numerous losses
1952 — (11th of Sivan, 5712) The Jerusalem Post reported from London that West Germany had tentatively offered to negotiate with Israel a reparations offer, totaling approximately $585 million, on the basis of 10 annual payments; that restrictions were announced on a gradual reduction of interurban and urban bus services, ordered by the government in order to save fuel and foreign currency. Plans were made, however, for a complete end to the rationing of all textiles
1967 — (25 Iyar 5727) Six-Day War. ….. For seven hours Israel’s National Unity Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Levi Eshkol met to hear a review of the military options presented by Moshe Dayan as well as an update by intelligence sources on the situation in the Egyptian military command. Egyptian generals were pressuring Nasser to let them strike the first blow. The “Arab streets” were demanding action. Delay was Israel’s enemy. Each day the Arab forces grew stronger, while Israel’s forces were at their “optimum level.” The Cabinet agreed that the military option was all that was left. The Cabinet voted unanimously to let Eshkol and Dayan choose the time and place of attack. After the Cabinet adjourned, the two Israeli leaders agreed that H-hour was 7:45, Monday, June 5. The report delivered by General Meir Amit was considered critical to the decision. Amit had just returned from Washington where he met with Defense Secretary MacNamara who assured the Israeli General of America’s willingness to re-supply Israel after the war, help the Jewish state at the UN and to keep the Soviets out of the area
2011 — (2th of Sivan, 5771) Around 5,000 people took part in a march in central Tel Aviv this evening supporting the establishment of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders
1672 — (19th of Sivan, 5432) Rabbi Moses Rikves, author of Be’er ha-Golah passed away
1697 — (19th of Sivan, 5457)Birthdate Rabbi Jacob Israel Emden, the Altona born Talmudic scholar most famous for his fight against those whom he considered to be Sabbateans. His most famous dispute was the one with Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz
1751 — (22th of Sivan, 5511) Rabbi Abraham Geron of Adrianople, author of Tikkun Soferim passed away
1942 — (19th of Sivan, 5702) Mordechai Gebirtig, Yiddish poet and songwriter was murdered by the Nazis in the Krakow Ghetto on what was known as “Bloody Thursday.”