June 30

History events
1294 — (4th of Tammuz, 5054)The Jewish community of Berne, Switzerland forfeited all financial claims against non-Jews, and then was expelled from the country
1298 — (19th of Tammuz, 5058)The Jewish community of Morgentheim, Austria was massacred
1487 — (9th of Tammuz, 5247) At Faro, Portugal, the printing of a Pentateuch was completed on the printing pressed located in the house of Don Samuel Giacon. According to Konrad Haebler’s Typographie Ibèrique, “this was the first Hebrew book printed with vowel-points.”
1838 — (7th of Tammuz, 5598) The Swedish government abolished discrimination against Jews. Unfortunately due to public objections it was repealed. Another 30 years were to pass before Jews were given the right to vote
1866 — (17th of Tammuz, 5626) Today, in Romania, ….. Jews were attacked maimed and robbed. The Bucharest Synagogue was desecrated and demolished. As a result of the violence Article 6 of the 1866 Constitution was replaced by Article 7. Article 6 declared that «religion is no obstacle to citizenship»; but, «with regard to the Jews, a special law will have to be framed in order to regulate their admission to naturalization and also to civil rights». Article 7 read that «only such aliens as are of the Christian faith may obtain citizenship». All this came to pass when Charles von Hohenzollern took the throne as Carol I and was forced to deal with a riot against the Jews in his capital city
1937 — (21th of Tammuz, 5697) A tower and stockade kibbutz was established at Tirat Zevi (Zevi’s Castle) 6 miles south-east of Beisan and less than a mile from the Jordan border
1941 — (5th of Tammuz, 5701). Нolocaust. ….. Ninety Jews are murdered at Dobromil, Ukraine; Ten year old Masha Blumenau was among those murdered by German soldiers when they went to the City Hospital in Liepāja to arrest the Jewish members of the medical staff whom they then killed; German troops enter Lvov, Ukraine, and beat hundreds of Jews to death after running them ragged at gunpoint; Two death trains left Iasi, Romania after a pogrom. One of them stopped in Podu Iloaiei and the 1,194 Jews who died along the way from thirst and heat exhaustion were buried there in a mass grave; Three hundred young Jews are deported from Amsterdam, Holland, to stone quarries at the Mauthausen, Austria, concentration camp. All will eventually perish
1942 — (15th of Tammuz, 5702) A headline in the London Daily Telegraph reads: «MORE THAN 1,000,000 JEWS KILLED IN EUROPE.»
1946 — (1th of Tammuz, 5706) Irgun Zvai Leumi…issued an ultimatum tonight saying it would kill three British hostages if the British executed two Irgun members condemned to death
1948 — (23th of Sivan, 5708) The last British armed forces left Israel; Shai was disbanded as part of a reorganization of the Israeli secret service. Shai, “an acronym for Sherut Yediot” was established in 1940 as “the intelligence and counter-espionage arm of the Haganah.”
1953 — (17th of Tammuz, 5713) Between May 15, 1948 and June 30, 1953, the Jewish population of Israel doubled from 640,000 to 1.3 million, Between May 15, 1948 and June 30, 1956, the Jewish population of Israel tripled from 640,000 to 2.1 million
1976 — (2th of Tammuz, 5736) As the crisis at Entebbe entered its fourth day, ….. the Israeli government was under intense pressure from families of the hostages to negotiate with the terrorists even it meant releasing those with “blood on their hands.”; Unbeknownst to the public the Israeli government had ascertained through direct conversations with Idi Amin that his government was cooperating with the terrorists which meant that there was no hope that Uganda might help in any way to free the prisoners; Just before midnight an Air France jet landed at Orly Airport carrying 47 of the released hostages some of whom provided what would become invaluable information for those who would conduct Operation Thunderbolt
1985 — (11th of Tammuz, 5745) In two separate bomb attacks on buses in Jerusalem, 6 people were injured

1522 — Johann Reuchlin ….. “a German humanist and a scholar of Greek and Hebrew” who “for much of his life… was the real centre of all Greek and Hebrew teaching in Germany, passed away. “In 1510, Reuchlin was drawn into a bitter controversy with the Jewish-Dominican convert Johannes Pfefferkorn, who had convinced the emperor to confiscate and burn copies of the Talmud and other Jewish books. Asked for his opinion on the issue, Reuchlin urged the preservation of this literature and recommended the establishment of a chair of Hebrew in each of the major universities. As a result of his efforts, the order to destroy the Jewish books was rescinded. However, his enemies persisted, and Reuchlin had to face charges from the Inquisition. He was able to deflect the accusations for a time and returned to teaching …. Reuchlin is considered a hero in the history of European Judaism.”
1924 — (28th of Sivan, 5684) Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael De Haan, ….. a Dutch born Jew who was a leader of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community opposed to Zionism was shot outside of the synagogue moments after finishing his evening prayers. De Haan was scheduled to lead a delegation of ultra-Orthodox anti-Zionist Jews to London where he planned to make their case to the British government. His killer was rumored to be a fellow Jew. The Jewish community of Jerusalem, regardless of political affiliation was shocked by the killing and 20,000 people turned out for his funeral. Forty years after the crime took place a 1970 broadcast on Israeli radio revealed that the killer had been a member of Haganah who had killed De Haan because he was viewed as a traitor
1948 — (23th of Sivan, 5708) Meir Tobianski ….. was taken into custody and interrogated by Isser Be’eri, David Kron, Binyamin Gibli and Avraham Kidron during a drumhead court-martial. Be’eri had already prepared a firing squad consisting of six soldiers from the Palmach Yiftach Brigade, which was in control of the Jerusalem corridor zone. Tobianski was found guilty and executed in Bayt Jiz, where his body was buried. Tobianski had received neither a lawyer nor a right to appeal, and his case was not reviewed by a higher court. Be’eri knew of his innocence, but still ordered his execution. In 1949, Be’eri was tried and found guilty of manslaughter. At the trial the court found that as there was a ceasefire in effect at the time, any information supposedly passed by Tobianski could not have served the Jordanian artillery. Be’eri received one day of prison time due to his extensive service to Israel. He was pardoned on the same day by the president, Chaim Weizmann
1970 — (26th of Sivan, 5730) During the War of Attrition Yitzhak Peer was taken prisoner when his F-4E II Phantom was shot down by an Egyptian SAM; Rami Harpaz and Eyal “Los” Ahikar were taken prisoner when their F-4E II Phantom was shot down by an Egyptian SAM
2014 — (2th of Tammuz, 5774) Israeli searchers discovered the bodies of Naftali Fraenkel, 16, Gil-ad Shaar, 16, and Eyal Yifrach, 19, the three teenagers kidnapped on June 12 bound an partially buried in an open field at Wadi Tellem