History events
1942 — (7th of Tammuz, 5702) The Jewish Brigade was formed was formed as part of the British military. The Jewish Brigade fought in Italy and after the war helped many Jewish refugees escape to Palestine, despite the British Blockade. Veterans of the brigade would use their skills in the War For Independence.
1951 — (18th of Sivan, 5711) The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel spent IL50m. during 1950 on housing and work for more than 100,000 immigrants
1952 — (29th of Sivan, 5712) A small home-made bomb exploded at 1:30 A.M. today ….. on the doorstep of the apartment of Minister of Communications David Z. Pinkas. The bombing was seen as part of protest against restrictions on driving which are to go into effect next week. Israelis will not be allowed to drive their car for two days of each week. One of the days that on which one cannot drive is Shabbat. Opponents of the ban claim that the action has more to with attempts by Orthodox Jews to ban driving on the Sabbath than it does with gasoline conservation. Pinkas is a leader of the Mizrachi Party and thought to be a leader of those supporting the Shabbat driving ban
2012 — (2th of Tammuz, 5772) The findings of the 2011 census, released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, revealed the Jewish population to be 97,335
1898 — (19 Sivan 5658) Rabbi Samuel Mohilever passed away. ….. Born in 1824 in Russia, Mohilever was a Talmudic scholar and one of the leading orthodox rabbis of Eastern Europe. A graduate from the famous Voloshin Yeshiva, he was conversant in math, engineering and a number of languages. Mohilever encouraged Baron Edmond de Rothschild to support the resettling of Russian families in Eretz-Israel and was a mediator between the settlers and Rothschild in various disagreements that arose. He was the founder of Mizrachi, a religious Zionist organization. In 1881, he was one of the founders of the Hovevei Zion, Lovers of Zion
1989 — (19th of Sivan, 5749) In Jerusalem Professor Menachem Stern, a Hebrew University Scholar and member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities was stabbed to death by two teenage Arabs as he walked home