June 10

History events
1648 — (30th of Sivan 5408) Six thousand Jews of Nemirov slaughtered by the Cossacks. ….. Start of the Cossacks ten year war with the Poles also known as the Chmielniki Uprising. The Jews were caught between the Russian Orthodox Cossacks who hated the Roman Catholic Poles who had been occupying their land. Jews had served as agents for the Polish nobles managing their lands and collecting the taxes. For this, and the fact that they were Jews, the Cossack hated them. At the same time, the Poles betrayed the Jews, in many instances turning them over to the Cossacks thinking that this would mollify the angry horde. It didn’t but from the Jews’ point of view that really did not matter since they were killed regardless of what happened. In the ten tumultuous years that followed, over seven hundred Jewish communities were destroyed and between one hundred and five hundred thousand Jews lost their lives. The ensuing sense of helplessness contributed to the rise of the messianic movement which soon followed
1939 — (23th of Sivan 5699) As of today, as a resulted of “emigration, legal or illegal and death, natural or unnatural” the number of Jews in “Great Germany” has been reduced from a pre-Nazi “population of 700,000” to 550,000” not counting the additional number of Jews acquired by the annexation of Bohemia and Moravia
1944 — (19th of Sivan 5704) Reszoe (Rudolf) Kasztner, head of the Aid and Rescue Committee known as Va’adah chose “388 members of his own extended family, as well as groups of family friends” to serve as a selected groups of Jews that will be allowed to leave Hungary as a token of German “good faith” during the negotiations with Eichmann and Himmler that are being conducted by Joel Brand
1948 — (3th of Sivan 5708) Syrian forces over-ran Mishmar Ha-Yarden a Jewish settlement on the west bank of the Jordan River. ….. The Syrians had every advantage including control of the air, tanks and a full array of artillery. Realizing the desperate nature of their situation, the Jewish settlers sent the women and children away. The few surviving defenders were taken to Damascus. The Syrians called the victory Faith-Allah (the Capture of God). After the war, the Jews rebuilt Mishmar Ha-Yarden a mile from the original kibbutz. The ruins of the original settlement were left as a memorial to those who fought and fell in the fight to create a Jewish home. This was one of the last military actions before the first truce between the Israelis and the Arabs which was slated to start on June 11
1948 — (3th of Sivan 5708) The Negev Brigade attacked the Egyptian-held police fort of Iraq Suwaydan but were driven off in defeat
1953 — (27th of Sivan 5713) Attackers infiltrating from Jordan destroyed a house in the farming village of Mishmar Ayalon
1967 — (2th of Sivan 5727) At 6:30 p.m. a cease-fire went into effect on the Golan Heights effectively ending the Six Day War. ….. There was no Arab military force that could have kept the Israelis from taking Cairo, Damascus or Amman. But as Yitzchak Rabin pointed out, the Israelis had not gone to war to cease territory. They had gone to war only after all diplomatic efforts had failed and they were faced with the choice of fighting or facing extinction. In a week’s time they had changed the map of the Middle East. The forces facing them were not «tin men.» Contrary to some of the comments made by the ill-informed, the Arabs had fought hard and the IDF had suffered the casualties to prove it. The fact was that in a week Israel had gone from a nation with a noose around its neck to being victors who had reclaimed Jerusalem, seized the Golan Heights from which the Syrians had shelled Israeli farmers for almost two decades and occupied a swath of land from the Jordan River to the Suez Canal. In the weeks prior to the war, Israel had been subjected to constant shelling from the Golan Heights and blockading by Egypt of the Straits of Tiran (Israel’s only southern sea outlet). Once the UN observer forces left the Sinai at Egypt’s behest the stage was set for war. Within a few days, the entire Sinai was in Israel’s hands, and despite being warned not to interfere, Jordan shelled Jerusalem opening that front as well. This battle led to the capture of the West Bank and the unification of Jerusalem. On the Syrian front, Israel succeeded in pushing the Syrians back to Kunetra and taking part of the Hermon range. In fewer than six days, Israel had routed all three of its
1976 — (12th of Sivan 5736) The Jerusalem Post reported ….. that the Knesset approved the Ben-Gurion Memorial Bill on its first reading. The memorial covered Ben-Gurion’s home in Tel Aviv, the Institute for the Legacy of Ben-Gurion at Kibbutz Sde Boker and the Desert Institute in the Negev. There was a threat that Egged buses would grind to a halt as the cooperative was unable to pay its fuel suppliers to whom it owed IL 4m., in addition to millions it owed to suppliers of other equipment. The Ministry of Transport insisted that if the cooperative wished to obtain the IL 200m.government-guaranteed loan, it would have to deduct IL 300 per month from its members’ salaries. But following the ministry’s order to carry soldiers free, Egged reneged on this agreement
2009 — (18th of Sivan 5769) The RSX European Open Windsurfing Championship begins at Tel Aviv’s Gordon Beach

1729 — (24th of Sivan, 5489) Rabbi Abraham ben David Yizhaki, author of Zera Abraham passed away
1760 — (26th of Sivan 5520) On the secular calendar, of Israel ben Eliezer passed away. Also known as the Baal Shem Tov he was the «founder» of the Chassidic Movement