History events
1453 — (27th of Tammuz, 5213) Forty-one Jews were burned at the stake in Breslau, Germany. The remainder of the Jewish population was expelled
1845 — (29th of Sivan, 5605) The Egyptian Revival Hobart Synagogue was consecrated in Hobart a city on the Australian island state of Tasmania
1931 — (19th of Tammuz, 5691) According to a report by the Labor Department of the Jewish Agency made public today by the American Palestine Campaign, “few countries in the world afford women such equality of opportunity as is enjoyed by Jewish women in Palestine.” Out of work force of 23,830 most of which is located in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Petach Tikvah 18,067 are men and 5,754 are women
1939 — (17th of Tammuz, 5699) The Nazi regime passed ….. the tenth supplementary decree to the Reich Citizenship Law and established a new central Jewish organization, the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland directly subordinated to the Reich minister of the interior which had as it is purpose “the promotion of Jewish emigration” and which reinforced the decision that converts, called “Christian non-Aryans” were to be treated as Jews
1941 — (9th of Tammuz, 5701) Holocaust. ….. In Liepāja, the roundup of Jews by SS-Obersturmbannführer Reichert’s EK 1a men begun last night came to an end this morning hundreds being slaughtered in Rainis Park; The Nazis murdered scientists and writers in the captured city of Lvov; Lithuanian militiamen murdered 416 Jewish men, 47 Jewish women in Kovno at the Seventh Fort; Two thousand Jews from Lutsk, Ukraine, are transported to the Lubard Fortress and killed; Fifty-four Jews are killed at Vilna, Lithuania; Between July 4 and July 11 five thousand Jews are killed in Ternopol
1946 — (5th of Tammuz, 5706) A Pogrom took place in Kielce, Poland. Мob attacked a house in Kielce in Poland where almost all of the town’s surviving Jews were living (200 of the original 25,000). Forty-two Jews were brutally murdered, another 50 injured. This was followed by a chaotic mass exodus of around 150,000 Jews from across Poland to DP camps in Germany
1951 — (30th of Sivan, 5711) The Jerusalem Post reported that ….. an accidental blast in a quarry of Even V’Sid Company on Castel Hill killed eight workers and injured six others. The holiday-with-pay principle was legally established in Israel following the final reading of the Annual Leave Bill in the Knesset. Employees were entitled to a minimum of 14 days’ paid vacation as of October 1, 1951. The employee must have worked 200 days out of year’s contract or must have worked 240 single days for the same employer in any one 12-month period to be entitled to such paid leave
1975 — (25th of Tammuz, 5735) In Jerusalem’s Zion Square, members of the PLO detonate a bomb hidden in a refrigerator which killed fourteen and wounded seventy. Victims included Arabs as well as Jews
1976 — (6th of Tammuz, 5736) The Jerusalem Post reported that the giant American Bicentennial National Park in the Jerusalem hills was officially opened to the public
1976 — (6th of Tammuz, 5736) The Entebbe Rescue. ….. Over 100 Jewish and Israeli hostages from an Air France plane being held prisoner by Palestinian terrorists and Ugandan soldiers who were threatening to murder them if their demands were not met were rescued by Israeli commandos in a brilliant ruse under the command of Yonatan Netanyahu who was shot in the back during the rescue. Netanyahu was the one of four Israeli soldier killed in the rescue mission. Tragically, 19 year old Jean-Jacues Maimoni, 52 year old Pasco Cohen and 56 year old Ida Borochovitch were killed in the cross fire . Seventy-five year old Dora Bloch, who was undergoing treatment at Mulago Hospital, was murdered by the Ugandans as revenge for the raid
1349 — (17th of Tammuz, 5109) Judah ben Asher, Talmudist, died
1632 — (25th of Tammuz, 5392) Isabella Nuñez Alvarez burned in auto da fé at Madrid
1903 — (9th of Tammuz, 5663) Dorothy Levitt (born Dorothy Levi) ….. won her class at the Southport Speed Trials driving a S.F.Edge’s 12 hp Gladiator, shocking British society as she was the first woman, a working secretary, to compete in a motor race. She became noted for racing in a dust coat (a loose coverall coat reaching down to the ankles), matching hat and veil
1934 — (21st of Tammuz, 5694) Zionist poet Chaim Nachman Bialik passed away