History events
1336 — (20th of Av, 5096) Led by John Zimberlin, a self-proclaimed prophet, a group of peasants in Germany known as the Armleder (for their leather straps warn on their arms) attacked Jewish communities in Franconia and the Alsace region. They also destroyed Jewish communities in Bohemia, Moravia and elsewhere along the Rhine. Roughly 1500 Jews were murdered. Eventually when the Armleder began to attack non-Jews, they were opposed by local Lords
1881 — (3th of Av, 5641) The first ships containing large numbers of Russian Jews arrived in New York following pogroms in Russia. This was the beginning of mass immigration to the U.S. during that would change the face of the American Jewish Community. The great waves of immigration would slow with World War I and come to a halt during the 1920’s when an isolationism, nativism and racism closed the doors of America to most immigrants
1882 — (13th of Av, 5642) In Hungary, ….. Solomon Schwarz, Abraham Buxbaum, Leopold Braun, and Hermann Wollner, were charged with murdering a Christian girl named Esther Solymosi . Josef Scharf, Adolf Jünger, Abraham Braun, Samuel Lustig, Lazar Weissstein, and Emanuel Taub, were charged with voluntarily assisting in the crime. Anselm Vogel, Jankel Smilovics, David Hersko, Martin Gross, and Ignaz Klein, were charged with abetting the crime and smuggling the body. This case which turned into a blood libel began in April and would rile the kingdom for at least another two years
1936 — (10th of Av, 5696) In Vienna this evening in pre-Olympic ceremony, the Nazi mob “formed in a procession” “howling down the Jewish Olympic athletes with shouts of ‘Perish the Jews! Go back to Palestine.”
1951 — (25th Tammuz, 5711) The Jerusalem Post reported that the stage was set for the elections to the Second Knesset. The number of eligible voters reached 900,000.
1969 — (14th of Av, 5729) Under the leadership of General Sharon, the Head of the IDF’s Southern Command, Israeli frogmen attacked Green Island during the War of Attrition
1993 — (11th of Av, 5753) The Israeli Supreme Court acquits accused Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk of all charges, and he is set free
1569 — (15th of Av, 5329) Isaac ben Aaron Prositz who had successfully “petitioned King Sigismund II Augustus for the right to establish a Hebrew press” that would “print the Talmud and other Hebrew books for fifty years” began operating today of Krakow
1849 — (10th of Av, 5609) In Pest, Gabriel Südfeld, a Hebrew poet and his wife gave birth to Simon Maximilian Südfeld who gained fame as Max Nordau, the Zionist leader, physician, author, and social critic. He was a co-founder of the World Zionist Organization together with Theodor Herzl, and president or vice president of several Zionist congresses. Nordau died in Paris, France in 1923. In 1926 his remains were moved to Tel Aviv
1895 — (8th of Av, 5655) Joseph Derenbourg, Orientalist, died
1948 — (22th Tammuz, 5708) In Nahalal, Israel “Jerusalem poet Yitzhak Shalev” and his wife gave birth to award winning author Meir Shalev
1979 — (5th of Av, 5739) Herbert Marcuse leftist German born, American philosopher passed away. Marcuse influenced a whole generation of leftists, radicals and anarchists including Angela Davis and Abbe Hoffman