History events
1831 — (25th of Shevat, 5591) Louis Philippe of France, successor to Charles X, ratified a motion putting Judaism on a par with Christianity, granting State support to Synagogues and their Minister of Religion. This meant that France extended financial support to Jewish religious institutions on par with Christian institutions
1936 — (15th of Shevat, 5696) A national conference on Palestine at Washington D. C’s Willard Hotel which “is intended to formulate a comprehensive program to link the efforts of the Jews of” the United States “and of Europe in providing for the transportation” German, Polish and other European Jews to Palestine opened today
1940 — (29th of Shevat, 5700) The first ghetto was set up by the Nazis in Lodz. The idea was to bring in all Jews from the surrounding areas in order to make it easier to proceed with the «Final Solution.» By the first of May, 160,000 Jews would have been herded into the Ghetto.
1949 — (9th of Shevat, 5709) Formation of Shabak or Shin Bet, the Israel security service
1970 — (2th of Adar-1, 5730) “Israeli fighters shot down two Egyptian MIG-21s in an aerial dogfight over the Nile delta this morning” during “a 50-minute raid on Egyptian artillery emplacement and bunkers in the souther sector of the Suez Canal zone.” (JTA)
2016 — (29th of Shevat, 5766) An unidentified Arab stabbed and wounded an eleven year old boy in Ramle today
1663 — (11th of Adar-1, 5423) Shabbethai Cohen (Shach), died
1882 — (25th of Shevat, 5591) Berthold Auerbach, German novelist, died