History events
1190 — (28th of Shevat 4950) In England, the Jews of Norwich were massacred by a mob following a similar attack in Lynn
1413 — (4th of Adar 5173) The first sitting of a “disputation” in which the Jews must listen to the Treatise of Geronimo De Santa, a convert to Christianity, contend that the Talmud recognized Jesus as the Messiah. This disputation was ordered by Pope Benedict XIII and would last until November of 1414 with a total of 68 sittings
1640 — (23th of Shevat 5400) Rabbi Israel Samuel Kalihari, author Yismah Yistrael passed away
1901 — (17th of Shevat 5661) Herzl travels to London and tries to win Rothschild for his plan. Despite the efforts of British Zionists, Rothschild refuses to receive him
1917 — (14th of Shevat 5677) The Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) was founded today “by Jacob Landau as the Jewish Correspondence Bureau with the mandate of collecting and disseminating news among and affecting the Jewish communities of the Diaspora.”
1928 — (15th of Shevat 5688) In Hungary, “the Jewish cemetery…near Husi was desecrated” tonight by unknown vandals” who “completely destroyed” the cemetery
1932 — (29th of Shevat 5692) In Berlin, the “leaders of the Jewish community visited the Minister of the Interior today to protest against the National Socialist or Nazi agitation against Jews, which they said was causing
1938 — (5th of Adar-1 5698) The Palestine Post сообщила, что в Тель-Авиве Верховный комиссар сэр Артур Вошоп открыл первую автоматическую телефонную станцию. Румыния начала экспроприацию частной еврейской земельной собственности на Буковине considerable uneasiness.”
1939 — (17th of Shevat 5699) On the eve of the start of talks in London about the future of Palestine, Arabs, under the leadership of the followers of Mufti of Jerusalem went on strike today which forced the British to impose a twenty-four-hour curfew
1940 — (27th of Shevat 5700) In Berlin, “the Reich Association of Jews announced today that the Jews would be allowed to have a ration of twenty pfeddings worth of sewing materials each three months to repair clothes” but “as before, Jews will receive no rations cards for clothes, textile goods, shoes or shoe soles.”
1943 — (1th of Adar-1 5703) Himmler received a report on the quantity of garments collected from Birkenau. The list included: 97,000 sets of men’s clothing, 76,000 sets of women’s clothing, 132,000 men’s shirts, 155,000 women’s coats and 3,000 kilograms of women’s hair. The hair filled an entire railroad car. Children’s items included 15,000 overcoats, 11,000 boys’ jackets, 9,000 dresses and 22,000 pairs of shoes. The clothing filled 825 freight cars. Included in this inventory was also close to a half of million in American currency and $116,420 dollars in gold; Fifteen trains of deportees reached Birkenau from Holland, Drancy (Paris) and from Berlin. Five thousand on board were gassed
1948 — (26th of Shevat 5708) The Arab Higher Committee of Palestine sent a “a formal declaration of war” to Trygve Lie, Secretary General of the United Nations “against any attempt to partition” Palestine
2001 — (13th of Shevat 5761) Ariel Sharon was elected Israeli prime minister in a landslide over Ehud Barak
1867 — (1th of Adar-1 5627) Solomon Munk, French Arabic scholar, died
1900 — (7th of Adar-1 5660) Elijah Benamozegh, Italian rabbi and cabalist, died
1955 — (14th of Shevat 5715) Birthdate of Avraham “Avram” Grant the Petah Tikva native who became a successful “football” manager. (In the U.S. this football is called soccer)