History events
654 — (25th Adar-1, 4414) “In Toledo Spain, Receswinth, King of the Visigoths, forced Judaizing Christians (converted Jews who still kept Jewish traditions) to swear loyalty to the Church or die” which meant “they were forced to spend Jewish and Christian holy days with the clergy, but were not forced to eat pork.”
1488 — (6th Adar, 5248) The first printed eviction of tractate Gittin of the Babylonian Talmud was published in Soncino, Italy
1577 — (1th Adar-1, 5337) The Jews of Safed requested assistance from the Sultan to protect them from persecution by local officials. In a letter to the local Ottoman officials, the Sultan told his people that the Jews, «have complained of wrong done to them.» The Jews were forced to pay high taxes, transport dung on Saturdays, were levies tolls on the road to Damascus, and were beaten with a strip of metal. The Sultan ordered his people not to molest the Jews, to investigate and give back what the Jews are owed
1705 — (5th Adar, 5465) Congregation of the Holy Office declares forcible baptism of Jewish children by Christian nurses effective
1723 — (24th Adar-1, 5483) In Prussia a revised form of the «Aeltesten-reglement» (Constitution of the Jewish Community) was issued. The original document which was supposed to be read every in the synagogue was issued in March of 1722
1840 — (14th Adar-1, 5600) Sultan Abdul Mejid I issued a royal decree absolving the Jewish community on the island of Rhodes of charges “of having killed a gentile child” so that his blood could be used in baking matzoth. The day was celebrated as The Purim of Rhodes.
1856 — (12th Adar-1, 5616) Full civil rights are granted to Turkish Jews under the terms of the “Ottoman Reform Edict of 1856.”
1897 — (16th Adar-1, 5657) In Paris, French author Emil Zola was attacked by a mob on his way home from the court where his case was being heard. The police were forced to intervene to prevent a lynching. The frustrated mob then “made a rush for the Jews threatening to throw them into the Seine.”
1912 — (30th Shevat, 5672) “Kadima Hebrew School” was dedicated today in Baltimore, MD.
1943 — (13th Adar-1, 5703) A group of 1,220 Jewish refugees from Poland arrived in Israel from Tehran where they had found refuge in 1942
1946 — (17th Adar-1, 5706) A clandestine radio transmitter known as the “Voice of Free Israel” that is reportedly operated by the Stern Gang was seized in Tel Aviv after “a house-to-house search by British Soldiers and police officers.”
1953 — (3th Adar, 5713) The Jerusalem Post reported that in London the House of Commons backed the British government’s decision to continue selling jet fighters to Arab nations to the exclusion of Israel
1969 — (30th Shevat, 5729) The PLO attacked El-Al plane in Zurich Switzerland
1981 — (14th Adar-1, 5741) Israel’s 60,000 teachers, who earn an average of $110 a week, staged a one-day strike today to press for a wage increase promised by the Government
1859(O.S) — (14th Adar-1, 5619) In Russia, Menachem-Nukhem Rabinovich, a “rich merchant” who lost it all and his wife Chaye-Esther gave birth to Solomon Rabinowitz who became famous under the penname of Sholem Aleichem