History events
1833 — (10th of Tevet, 5594) In Prussia, a prohibition was issued prohibiting Hews from assuming the names of Christian saints as first names
1878 — (26th of Kislev, 5639) Naphtali Herz Imber, (1856-1909) a Hebrew poet, wrote the words for Hatikvah. The poem eventually became the national anthem of the State of Israel
1934 — (16th of Tevet, 5695) Yehuda Sheftei and Moshe Dayan were wounded today in a clash with Arabs which broke in the neighborhood of Nahal, when Arabs…invaded land belong to the Jewish National Fund
1937 — (18th of Tevet, 5698)The Palestine Post reported no fewer than 16 terrorist attacks over the weekend. An Arab police inspector, Sa¹ad al-Arab, was killed in Haifa. A second victim of the attack on the Haifa-Nahalal bus, Aaron Sloverson, died in a hospital. Isaac Orphali, 26, was badly wounded when an Egged bus was shot at near Motza
1942 — (14th of Tevet, 5703) The Jewish Fighting Organization (JFO) lead by Aharon Liebeskind attacked Nazi troops gathered at Cyganeria, a coffee house in Kraków, Poland, killing several SS officers
1948 — (20th of Kislev, 5709) War for independence. At night, Operation Horev began with an attack by the IDF against Hill 86, an Egyptian position overlooking the Gaza-Rafa Road
1964 — (17th of Tevet, 5725) In Israel, Levi Eshkol formed the 12th government today
1976 — (1th of Tevet, 5737) In Israel, the government head by Yithak Rabin resigned today “after ministers of the National Religious Party were sacked because the party had abstained from voting on a motion of no confidence, which had been brought by Agudat Yisrael over a breach of the Sabbath on an Israeli Air Force base.”
1988 — (14th of Tevet, 5749) Likud’s Yitzhak Shamir formed the twenty-third government including the Alignment, the National Religious Party, Shas, Agudat Yisrael and Degel HaTorah in his coalition, with 25 ministers
1653 — (12th of Tevet, 5414) Nethaneel ben Benjamin ben Azriel Trabot the Rabbi of Modena who was the uncle of Solomon Graciano, and the author of “the collection of response entitled ‘Kenaf Renamin’” passed away today
1725 — (29th of Tevet, 5486) Jacob Christian Basnage, Christian historian of the Jews, died
1993 — (8th of Tevet, 5754) Eliahu Levin and Meir Mendelovitch were killed by shots fired at their car by terrorists from a passing vehicle for which Hamas claimed responsibility
2016 — (22th of Kislev, 5777) Rachel Freirer, a mother of six and former lawyers who practiced commercial and residential estate law officially became the first Chasidic women to be sworn in as a Judge in New York State