December 15

History events
921 — (6th of Tevet, 4682) Rav Saadiah Gaon cautioned today cautioned the Jews of Egypt to reject the religious calendar adopted by Rabbi Aaron ben Meir, head of the Palestinian yeshiva in Ramleh
1918 — (12nd of Tevet, 5679) Efforts to break the monolithic opposition to Zionism of Jerusalem’s Orthodox community met with success at the founding meeting of a group of senior rabbis, who in defiance of the ultra-Orthodox rabbis set up a Joint Sephardic — Ashkenazi Council which was the first breach in the Orthodox community’s strong and united opposition to Zionist institutions
1927 — (21th of Kislev, 5688) The struggle for work turned violent during the citrus harvest in Petah Tikvah. Jewish workers, seeking employment, protest against the hiring of Arab labor by the farmers. Demonstrations and an attack on the Agricultural Committee lead to the intervention of the British police. Workers are beaten and injured. Some are arrested and sentenced to several weeks’ imprisonment
1930 — (25th of Kislev, 5691) Seventy-five-year-old Meier Dizengoff sought re-election as Mayor of Tel Aviv in contest that pits him against Laborite Joseph Aronwitz. Dizengoff was one of the original founders of the city in 1909 and is noted for donating his salary to municipal projects not funded by the city
1937 — (11nd of Tevet, 5698) The Palestine Post reported that 13 Jews were wounded when Arab terrorists ambushed a bus between Haifa and Nahalal. Another bus was fired on near Castel
1937 — (11nd of Tevet, 5698) A Jewish guard, Haim Berger, was wounded in Tiberias, and Eliahu Gadi was shot and wounded near Kibbutz Ramat Rahel
1939 — (3nd of Tevet, 5700) Gauleiter Hans Frank launched an action aimed at shipping rural Jews to large Polish cities where they would be the tight control of the SS. Tens of thousands of Jews would be rounded up, transported or force-marched into specially designated urban ghettos
1941 — (25th of Kislev, 5702) Тhe Germans established a ghetto today at Stanislawow which would lead to the extermination of a Jewish population that had lived in the town since 1662
1945 — (11nd of Tevet, 5706) At approximately 1:45 P.M., about 20 fighters of the Haganah — the pre-state underground Jewish militia — seized a British truck south of Acre. ….. The men, armed but wearing civilian clothing, confiscated about half a ton of documents, packed into eight sealed steel containers and 12 sacks of diplomatic mail. The documents had been sent from the British legation in Beirut to Haifa Port, from which they were to be transported to Britain. The truck was taken to an unknown location. The driver and armed guards were later found in an abandoned building near Kiryat Ata. The British tried to minimize the importance of the captured documents, claiming that most of them concerned economic matters of the British Mission in Beirut, headed during World War II by General Edward Spears. But the reaction of the British, the French and the Haganah itself to the event clearly suggests that the papers removed from the truck were, in fact, of far greater consequence. Immediately after the incident, the French consul in Jerusalem came to Tel Aviv. The French were given classified documents from the truck that were of great operational importance to them. The British Mandate authorities censored reports of the event, prohibiting Hebrew or British newspapers from publishing any details about the Haganah operation. The documents were eventually returned to the British, but about one percent of them remained in the hands of the Haganah. The French considered the remaining so documents to be so valuable that they entered into with the Yishuv to get more of them. The British were so determined to get their hands on the remaining documents that they attempted to seize them through clandestine military action in May and June of 1948
1948 — (13th of Kislev, 5709) A flight of Spitfires took off from Czechoslovakia as part of a clandestine operation to bring modern aircraft to Israel.
1961 — (8nd of Tevet, 5722) Former Nazi official Adolf Eichmann was sentenced to death by an Israeli court.
1979 — (25th of Kislev, 5740) Two Palestinians connected to the Munich Olympics Massacre, Ali Salem Ahmed and Ibrahim Abdul Aziz, were killed in Cyprus
1990 — (28th of Kislev, 5751) Three Israelis were stabbed and killed in an aluminum factory in Jaffa today, the police said, and widespread anti-Arab rioting followed
2014 — (23th of Kislev, 5775) Shin Bet reported foiling a suicide bomber’s plot in Tel Aviv based on disguising the suicide bomber as a pregnant woman in need of medical help; The Israel Antiquities Authority announced today that archaeologist have uncovered a farmhouse that is 2,800 years old consisting of 23 rooms “in the area of modern day Rosh Ha’ayin

1679 — (22nd of Tevet, 5440) Moses Raphael de Aguilar, who as a Sephardic-Dutch rabbi and Hebrew Grammarian wrote twenty books and served briefly as the leader of Jewish community in Recife, Brazil passed away today
1772 — (19th of Kislev, 5533) Reb Dov Ber, the Maggid of Mezeritch second leader of the Chassidic movement, successor to the Baal Shem Tov and spiritual mentor of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, known for his scholarship, piety, and asceticism passed away
1810 — (18th of Kislev, 5571) Ludwig Dessoir, German actor, born
1923 — (7nd of Tevet, 5684) Birthdate of Gotthard Glass who would gain famed as Uziel “Uzi” Gal. The German-born Israeli gun designer best remembered as the designer and namesake of the Uzi submachine gun
1952 — (27th of Kislev, 5713) The Jerusalem Post reported that Dov Shilansky was sentenced to 21 months’ imprisonment for trying to bomb the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building in Jerusalem in protest against the acceptance of German reparations
1992 — (20th of Kislev, 5753) Hamas terrorists kidnapped Nissim Toledano, an Israeli Army Sergeant