August 16

History events
1486 — (15th of Elul, 5246) Twenty men and five women were burned after being sentenced at an auto-de-fe in Toledo on the charge of Judaizing
1928 — (30th of Av, 5688) Jewish colonization work in Crimea for which a sufficient sum will be made available through the $10,000,000 Rosenwald fund was given further impetus and opportunity by the decision of the All-Russian Zik, the Central Executive Committee, to allot an additional area in Crimea of 109,000 hectares where 15,000 Jewish families may be settled as farmers.
1933 — (24th of Av, 5693) Three hundred Polish Jews including a group of 140 chalutzim leave for Palestine
1936 — (28th of Av, 5696) An eight year old Jewish boy was killed and nineteen Jews were injured by the explosion of a bomb thrown by an Arab from a train window into one of the principal streets of Tel Aviv today as the train was passing the city en route to Jaffa.
1938 — (19th of Av, 5698) Arabs killed three people when they kidnapped a Jewish family today at Atlit
1943 — (15th of Av, 5703) Nazi troops enter the Jewish ghetto at Bialystok, Poland and over the next four days destroy the more than 30,000 Jews inside.
1948 — (11th of Av, 5708) Three months after the establishment of the State of Israel, ….. an agreement was signed between the Bank Leumi and the temporary Government. The official charter appointing the Bank as the Government’s financial agent was signed by Hoofien and the Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. On that very day, the official bank notes of the new state, bearing the name of the Anglo-Palestine Bank and the signatures of Hoofien and Barth, were distributed. The Israeli pound becomes legal tender
1949 — (21th of Av, 5709) Netiv HaLamed-Heh ( נְתִיב הַל»ה‎‎, Path of the 35) a kibbutz in central Israel located in the Valley of Elah, was established today by demobilized members of the Daled Company of the Palmach’s Harel Brigade
1956 — (9th of Elul, 5716) A squad of Fedayeen attacked Egged Bus 391 traveling from Tel-Aviv to Eilat murdering three soldiers and a female civilian passenger and wounding an additional three civilian passengers
1994 — (9th of Elul, 5754) The first ever Papal Nuncio to Israel presented his credentials in Jerusalem

1648 — (28th of Av, 5408) Rabbi Joshua Höschel ben Joseph passed away in Cracow. Born at Vilnius in 1578, he studied both the Kabbalah and the Talmud. He wrote Maginne Shelomoh and She’elot u-Teshubot Pene Yehoshua’
1664 — (5th of Elul, 5424) Johannes Buxtorf II., Christian Hebraist, died
1843 — (20th of Av, 5603) Polish banker and philanthropist Jacob Epstein, the founder of the Jewish hospital at Warsaw whose service as an officer in the insurrectionist army during the Polish uprising did keep him from being apponted banker of the treasury commission of the Kingdom of Poland and named as a “hereditary honorary citizen” by Czar Nicholas I passed away today.
1913 — (13th of Av, 5673) In “Brest, a town called Brest-Litovsk, then part of the Russian Empire, but today Belarus” Zeev and Hassia Biegun” gave birth to Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of Israel and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize