History events
1655 — (29th of Nisan, 5415) Dutch West India Company directs Peter Stuyvesant to allow Jews to dwell and trade in New Netherlands
1727 — (16th of Iyar, 5487) Jews expelled from Russia and the Ukraine by Catherine
1737 — (6th of Iyar, 5497) Тhe King of Prussia ordered that the decree limiting the number of Jewish families allowed to live in Berlin be enforced. According to a document entitled “General privilege and regulations to be observed concerning the Jews in his Majesty’s dominions,” issued in 1730, the King had granted the Jews the right to settle 120 families in the capital city. By 1737, the number of Jewish families had risen to 180 and the king wanted these additional sixty families to depart even if it meant a loss of tax revenue
1920 — (8th of Iyar, 5680) The San Remo Conference, where delegates had reaffirmed the Balfour Declaration and incorporated it in to the terms of the Mandate over Palestine
1929 — (16th of Nisan, 5689) In Jerusalem, there was a cornerstone laying ceremony to mark the construction of the building designed to house the Jewish National Fund. The building was part of a construction project designed to provide space for several national institutions
1934 — (11th of Iyar, 5694) The third biennial Levant Fair opens in Tel Aviv
1939 — (7th of Iyar, 5699) “The decision to unify” Kibbutz BaMa’ale and Kibbutz BaMifne in Karkur “was made in the secretariat of Hashomer Hatzair” today
2003 — (24th of Nisan, 5763) Thirteen people were injured during a bombing at the Kfar Saba train station for which the PFLP and Al-Aqsa claimed joint responsibility
2006 — (28th of Nisan, 5766) Yuval Ne’eman, founder of Israel’s space program and a key figure in Israel’s nuclear program passed away
2008 — (21st of Nisan, 5768): Yossi Harel, who commanded four ships bringing Jews to Israel illegally, died at the age of 90 in Tel Aviv. Harel assisted 24,000 Jews in reaching Israel aboard four ships, including the famed SS Exodus, between 1945 and 1948